Topic outline

  • 'All Inclusive?' - Supporting Children And Young People With Additional Needs

    Most children’s and youth workers want to include children of all abilities and needs in what they do, but many struggle to make this a reality. There are many different kinds of special or additional needs, and each one, each child, needs thinking about and planning for carefully. It is hard for children’s and youth workers to navigate the right path through this sometimes difficult and complex area; being caring, inclusive and supportive to each child (and their families), while not losing focus on the needs of the rest of the group.

    This is an area that is confusing and challenging to many of us who are responsible for looking after children and young people who have special or additional needs. This programme helps parents, churches and children’s/youth workers not only understand more about the children we are working with, but also change the way we work with them so to be more inclusive and create belonging for all.

    By completing this training, you will:

    • Understand children and young people with additional needs
    • Be able to create an environment where everyone belongs
    • Be equipped to support children and young people with additional needs