Category: Children, Family and Youth
File: Muddy Church Christingle Activities.pdf
Description: A PDF guide to Muddy Church Christingle activities, for use by church youth workers.
Category: Communications
File: Visiting John Cadbury House.pdf
Description: Travel instructions, Birmingham map, and room layout map for visitors to CofEB.
Travel instructions, Birmingham map, and room layout map for visitors to CofEB.
File: bcofe_colour.png
Description: Church of England Birmingham logo file, in colour. Please consult with Comms here to ensure correct use of this image.
Church of England Birmingham logo file, in colour. Please consult with Comms here to ensure correct use of this image.
Category: Strategy and Reports
File: Transforming Church Vision - Core Principles Graphic .jpg
Description: Designed graphic, that communicates the core principles of the Transforming Church vision.
Designed graphic, that communicates the core principles of the Transforming Church vision.
File: Notice of Photography or Filming Poster.pdf
Description: A PDF that can be printed for display at CofEB events, to notify visitors of filming taking place.
A PDF that can be printed for display at CofEB events, to notify visitors of filming taking place.
File: Confirmation- Filming and Photography Notice.pdf
Description: This form should be completed when passing on images for publication, to confirm that a Photography and Filming Notice was on display at an event.
This form should be completed when passing on images for publication, to confirm that a Photography and Filming Notice was on display at an event.
File: PhotoVideo Consent Form - Generic (over 18).pdf
Description: A printable PDF consent form (over 18s only), for use at events or during any video or photography recording activity.
A printable PDF consent form (over 18s only), for use at events or during any video or photography recording activity.
File: PhotoVideo Consent Form - Generic (under 18).pdf
Description: A printable PDF consent form for under 18s (where parental or guardian consent must be sought), for use at events or during any video or photography recording activity.
A printable PDF consent form for under 18s (where parental or guardian consent must be sought), for use at events or during any video or photography recording activity.
Hyperlink: CofEB DBF annual reports - webpage
Description: Webpage giving access to Church of England Birmingham Diocesan Board of Finance (BDF) annual report PDFs from 2014-present day.
Webpage giving access to Church of England Birmingham Diocesan Board of Finance (BDF) annual report PDFs from 2014-present day.
Category: Finance
File: Xledger expenses training slides v8.pdf
Description: A PDF set of slides to help CoEB staff make their expenses claims.