Estimated Time: 2hrs | Delivery Mode: Independent Learning

Prayer Spaces In Schools will lead you through step by step enabling you to plan and run your own prayer space with ready made Prayer space packs for you to download and use.

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Estimated Time: 3hrs | Delivery Mode: Independent Learning

This is a space where you can chose to take time to reflect, take stock and create a plan for the future of your children’s, families, and youth work. There are several options open to you tailored to different areas of children’s and youth work.

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Estimated Time: 1hr | Delivery Mode: Independent Learning

This module will help you think through everything you will need to set up your own piece of youth work from the beginning, from your vision and aim, to funding and teams.

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Estimated Time: 3hrs | Delivery Mode: Independent Learning

In this module, we will think theologically about your children's and youth work, using questions such as 'Where is God at work here?' and 'What's next for us and our ministry?' You can work through this module independently or in a group setting, whereby you address the resources reflectively together. 

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Estimated Time: 2hrs | Delivery Mode: Independent Learning

Learn how to use the Bible in your youth ministry, to find ways to mine its treasures with the young people in your care.

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Estimated Time: 2hrs | Delivery Mode: Independent Learning

A group of five youth and children's workers talking about the highs and lows, the pit falls and real wins of youth and children's work with their combined skills across schools, sports, church and community-based work and ministry.

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