Topic outline

  • There are about 30,000 Sikhs living in Birmingham and about 25 Gudwari (Temples). It is a diverse community and the people in church we work with might have Sikh friends, have learned about Sikhism in school or come from Sikh families. Sikhism is the youngest of the world's major religions. However, they are a significant community in the West Midlands in terms  of their visible presence, economic activity and spiritual life. This module will give you some basic information and the confidence to help people befriend and share their faith with Sikh peers.

    Desired Learning Outcomes:

    • To gain basic knowledge about Sikhism and the Sikh community in Birmingham
    • To discover some similarities and differences between Sikhism and Christianity
    • To have the confidence to help Christian people befriend Sikh peers and do so yourself