Pathways is Church of England Birmingham’s online learning platform, where you can engage in a variety of programmes, training courses, and resources. This might be to support your formation on a particular leadership pathway, for example, as an Oversight Minister, Reader, or Youth Worker. These pathways typically combine online, in-person and Zoom activities with your peers, delivered by leaders at CofEB in partnership with expert educators.
Alternatively, you can explore the Resource Hub or sign up to our Modules on a wide range of subjects relating to mission, ministry and discipleship – these are often courses you can take independently in your own time.
How do I start?
You can browse our programmes and resources without requiring a Pathways account, but you will need to create an account if you choose to enrol on our courses.
In the case of Lay Ministries, Ordained Ministries and our Youth and Children commissioned pathways, you should first discuss with the course leader and your incumbent before enrolling. ‘Modules’ differ in that you can often enrol and work through the materials yourself. Documents, guides and reports on the Resource Hub can be accessed without needing an account, so feel free to browse those at your leisure.
Create an account